Real Protection for everyday Situations
Big protection for a small price. With coverage options from $1 million, umbrella insurance provides extensive protection that’s surprisingly affordable. For instance, $1 million of umbrella insurance can cost less than $20 per month. Because umbrella insurance is activated after the liability limits of auto and home policies have been reached, those policies will need to be in place with specific minimum coverages.
Umbrella Insurance
Even a simple trip to the grocery store can result in a serious accident that leaves you responsible for major financial damages. Umbrella insurance through AAA can help protect you with affordable coverage that goes far beyond the liability limits of your typical auto and home insurance policies.
When life’s little things become really big.
Serious accidents happen when you least expect them, and often arise out of life’s little moments. Here are examples of everyday events where umbrella insurance would provide much needed protection:
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- 423-836-9091